
A chest with fairy tales

A chest with fairy tales
canvas, underwater painting


2900 USD

The theme of treasures stuck to my skin. I brought with me a lot of “treasures”, purchased by me in children’s toy shops, and cheap jewelry. All I got to do was to find a suitable chest. And it was the thing which was lacking.

Returning to the shore with another unfinished painting, I noticed at a depth of five meters a small concrete block. Such blocks are usually used to fix buoys. This block looked exactly like my fantasy treasure chest. Working together with damselfish we arranged the props. They persistently discarded the beads, which I had laid out picturesquely on the “chest”. They rearranged the coins and chains. After a short discussion, I had to accept their vision of the composition.

Another art criticism disagreement had arisen. Trigger Picasso (the fish you see in the distance right at the top) had its creative eye, too. First, he tried to steal my brush and then to bit my finger. No one has ever argued about art in such a strident way!

em>P.S. Artist Olga Belka thanks the «Dolphin Diving Center» in Sharm El Sheikh for the provided conditions for underwater painting.
