
Anti-Covid Star 2

Anti-Covid Star 2
canvas, underwater painting


3900 USD

Face masks nowadays are the usual rubbish on the beaches. People are in such a hurry to swim in the clear tropical sea. So they leave their masks on the sand. Face masks are washed into the water by the tide.

Meanwhile, the decomposition time of a disposable mask is about 500 years. They float on the surface, are tangled in corals, or are worn around sea creatures.
I met this starfish while diving at one of the shores in Thailand. It was enjoying its leisure time on the coral. It didn’t seem to care about having a mask. It’s so strange that Covid leaves its mark even in the underwater kingdom.

Dear friends, remember that the pandemic will be over, but the trash will remain. Please take better care of our wonderful world!

P.S. Underwater artist Olga Belka thanks the RuDiver diving club in Phuket and invites to diving in Thailand.
