
The birth of Black Venus

The birth of Black Venus
canvas, underwater painting


3700 EUR

From the darkness of the unknown, from the depths of the sea, it slowly rises to the light. Her body is beautiful, and her face is calm. What will the birth of Black Venus bring to our world? The age of love? Or?… Stay behind at the painting, listen to your feelings. Do You feel peaceful or anxious?

How long I’ve wanted to work on the classic story of the birth of Venus, but I was afraid of its tired theme. All these prettily covered up beauties, surrounded by pink and disgustingly plump cupids, could not be the creation of the Sea. My Venus is quite different.

My current muse, Ksenia, posed for me. She had a “simple” task – to lie during a couple of dives in the water in a beautiful dress, having thrown the air tank to the bottom. If you have believed that it was easy, then you know nothing about the center of gravity of the human body. My poor model twirled and chattered badly, but we’ve coped with the task!

P.S. Underwater artist Olga Belka appreciates the Alexei Chernyaev’s diving club in Dahab for all the help and support in creating this painting.
